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其他資料列表: 1. Discover the universe of the Maison Caran d’Ache: writing instruments, art and drawing materials, office supply. Made in Swizerland since 1915. E-boutique Caran d'Ache ... Cookies help us to provide you with a better experience on our website. By using our services you agree to the processing of these cookies.'Ache Caran d'Ache's most famous cartoon. The Dreyfus Affair divided the whole of French society. Here, Caran d'Ache depicts a fictional family dinner. Welcome into the Universe of Caran d'Ache: Haute Ecriture writing instruments, limited editions, colours, accessories. Caran d'Ache. 71,792 likes · 1,541 talking about this. Maison Caran d'Ache. Founded in 1915 in Geneva, Switzerland. |
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◎ 品 名:CARAN d'ACHE 瑞士卡達 VARIUS 維樂斯鎧甲鋼筆(灰)-OM ◎ 單 位:支 ◎ 型 號:4490.984 ◎ 筆尖材質:18K金筆尖 廠商代號:ME1 |